Advertising monitoring system development for outdoor media analytics


Billboard advertising is the largest segment of the outdoor advertising market. Unlike online marketing where the advertiser or surface owner can get feedback about the effectiveness of campaigns using tools like Google analyst, for the outdoor media there is no available tool that is reliable, affordable and accepted by the media industry. It has been a problem for years that the only means to measure the effectiveness of media surfaces were simple surveys.

ADMOS project aims to develop a compact monitoring device that can be installed additionally on public media interfaces, which is able to provide information about the displayed advertisement, and to give feedback about the obtained contact number and the pattern attributes.

A further objective is to gain detailed information about the composition of the sample that means to define the age, gender of the people walking by and whether the person has noticed the advertisement.

In the ADMOS project the participants pay special attention to the compliance with European data protection legislation. Therefore, the ADMOS will be the first crowd monitoring system that will be usable in public spaces.


Main contribution of the Image and CompuLab

Firmware and control software development Developement
Database design and implementation
Communication protocol design and development
Analytical software design and development
System integration, testing and validation

  • CLIENT:Rubin Informatikai Zrt., Flexible Optical, Impactmedia, X-Treme Holding
  • TASK:Project development, Engineering design, Software design, Testing and Piloting, Prototype constructionManagement, Exploitation and marketing
  • DATE: 2013 – 2015
  • PROJECT DURATION: 24 months
Created in collaboration with other academic and business partners with the support of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission.